I really like that everybody who receives media, no matter what the media is or what way in which it is received, the audience/receiver will be taken it in for any numerous reasons more than likely stemming from the uses and gratifications theory. Whether or not the receiver is intentionally looking for something to satisfy, disrupt or challenfe each individual stage of the theory, I will use the theory to further understand how I could disrupt and challenge each section in my own film. For example the security and safety need can be challenged by putting the audience in an unfamiliar and uncontrollable environment, in which actions deemed evil or cruel by society take place. The planned death/s in my short film will, although relate to the individuals understanding of society, also move them from their comfort zone of normality and dayto day occurences. The main way what I can challenge their needs, security and safety and also social need, is to create a non-linear storyline that twists and morphs quickly from setting to setting and time period to time period. This will leave the receiver feeling far from normality and security. The social need will be lost from the lack of affection running underneath the surface of the piece. Although the story centres on love, evilness and amorality run deep in the actions and emotions represented by the vicious and dark characters.
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