Tuesday 30 November 2010

Target Audience

Today it was brought to my attention again, that I need to explain and expand on my desired and intended target audience. It occured to me that I had not stated clearly who I was aiming my piece at so far, and so thought it best to establish who I am intending my short film to be aimed at.

As the first ideas and thoughts that I had about my short film, were to make it look more like an artwork, a visually appealing film, this unwritten style has stuck in my mind in the basic preperations that I have had to do with my short film. I really wanted, and still do, to create a film that looks like a piece of art, like something that you would hang on your wall more than a film. This preference of mine would undoubtedly lead to a whole different audience, an experimental piece of work into light and colour would far form keep the interest of an audience of five year old girls. The initial thought is that of art aware people, well educated art followers with a keen sense of creativity and individuality. The piece would need to target someone who would appreciate something with a fairly simple storyline, as they could appreciate the visual style of the piece instead.

From the various trips I have made to Cinema City, a local picture house in Norwich, I have begun to see a pattern in its audiences. With the exception of myself and the other 'young' folk that I have gone with, it seems to be a matured audience obviously with a good understanding of film and their desired genre and also with a quirky personality that allows them to explore into other directors works and stlyes.Perhaps however, this says something more about the film than the cinema. However Cinema City, not being a mainstream and regular ODEON or UCI, it does attract more well respected figures of society. This gave me a basic, perhaps stereotype is the right word, over the regular viewers of such artistic films and this appears to be the same audience that I imagine watching my film.

The age range would obviously be from middle twenties to late fifties, a range of well educated people from various cultures and backgrounds can be present here, but all with different understandings of the world and each with their own artisitic backgrounds and artistic experiences. This would lead on to the general profession/hobbies of people, and that being art. I would be aiming my film at artists, art students, art curators, art journalists etc. anyone familiar with artistic movements or histories. It would also apply to the generalised public, rather than this niche market of twenty to fifty year old artists, although this audience would be the targeted and the audience from which they would most appreciate and understand a work attempting to be visually impressive.

1 comment:

  1. sam i nned a different font - reading htis triggers my migraine - please change itt
