Tuesday 19 October 2010

Tarsem Singh's inspiration on me

The Fall undoubtedly has lead me to want to create a visually appealing film, over an excellent story line, even though the story line in The Fall does follow on the same lines as the twisting and complex shots/scenes used in being slightly complex and confusing.

The main inspiration that Tarsem is on me is his indivuality and what must have been perserverance to get what he wanted from his films. I just love the fact that he adopted a certain remarkable and recognisable style that can now be seen in most, if not all of his works. I will not be replicating his style simply paying homage to it, as I want my work to be as independent and individual as possible, with also being able to show who and what I find interesting and a great inspiration on my own work.

I will explore different colour techniques in postproduction and post on here once I have experimented. My style will follow the Tarsem basic idea of bright striking colours, but will look different to his final works. Actual the whole process is more similar to Jean Pierre-Jeunets' method of working, in which he more than often edits the colours after production.

1 comment:

  1. i find this impossible to read - could you please expore using a different font OR making the width of the layout wider??
