Saturday 18 December 2010

First one minute of my animatic

I have had to redo my animatic as the original version, the first 30 seconds that I previously posted was firstly just a tester to see if it worked using Vimeo but secondly, was only saved on the school system and I forgot to transfer it to my own home computer. This first minute is the final first minute of the animatic.
I will post the animatic in segments of one minute and then a final complete version, so that if I need to find a specific place in the animatic for referencing, I can find it easier and quicker.

First one minute of my animatic from sam webber on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. hello sam - the storyboarding is excellent BUT it needs audio and/or a soundtrack to add ambiance and atmosphere to the visuals - see me for help on how to..
